
Diarmuid Gavin – International Garden Designer

Diarmuid Gavin is an Irish garden designer that likes to push gardens to the limit. Known for his ability and willingness to think outside the box, his 2011 entry at the Chelsea Flower Show certainly caught Ian’s eye, not to mention the rest of the gardening worlds.
“Chelsea is where gardening meets show business,” he says. “Visitors come from all around the world. They don’t just want to see something pretty. It’s about trying to create something that can delight you or make you think.
“You must make an impact. For me, it’s of interest only if it is dramatically new. It’s a tough gig and I have to be really inspired. There’s no point in me doing it unless it is radically different. I will only do Chelsea if I’m prepared to take on a task that keeps me awake at night.”
Diarmuid Gavin - International Garden Designer. Ian Barker Gardens. Garden Notebook Edition 22
His gold medal winning ‘Irish Sky Garden’ saw him create a 15 metre “flying” centrepiece inspired by the film Avatar. One of the most audacious projects attempted in the show’s history.
Diarmuid Gavin - International Garden Designer. Ian Barker Gardens. Garden Notebook Edition 22
Shaped like a giant eye, the ‘Irish Sky Garden’ was suspended 25 metres above the Royal Hospital gardens from an enormous crane, giving up to eight visitors at a time spectacular views across London. At ground level, viewers were able to look up at the flying garden and also see it reflected in 25 perfectly round pools, set amid unusual shrubs, plants and trees from all over the world.
Diarmuid Gavin - International Garden Designer. Ian Barker Gardens. Garden Notebook Edition 22
Diarmuid’s thrilling and unusual gardens that have won him television appearances, medals and a huge fan base – we’re sure you’ll be just as intrigued as we are.
Diarmuid Gavin - International Garden Designer. Ian Barker Gardens. Garden Notebook Edition 22
For more on Diarmuid and his out of the box designs, click here